• Resisting the planet-killing banks with style and mirth

    Resisting the planet-killing banks with style and mirth

    Last week, Alexandra Casio-Cortez flayed a Wells Fargo Bank executive on Capital Hill for the role his bank played in backing the Dakota Access Pipeline. Well Fargo is one of many megabanks funding countless big oil projects, including DAPL and the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline. A 2018 report shows that Wells Fargo invested more than $4.6…

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  • Throw a Creative Mischief Party to Plan for the Next March or Rally

    Throw a Creative Mischief Party to Plan for the Next March or Rally

    When you find out about the next rally or march, you may wonder how you can increase your impact.  There is one thing you can always do, and it’s both easy and fun: throw a protest party to prep for the protest. By protest party, I don’t mean a kegger or a party with streamers…

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  • No Safe Spaces: A Poem by Fred Dodsworth

    No Safe Spaces: A Poem by Fred Dodsworth

    Standing midst the flames like wolves’ tongues surrounded by shattered lives, the sun sets in the East this time, a dark orange pallor casting its sickly shadow over dreams once offered. “It’s a republic if you can keep it…”

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  • #FridaysForTheFuture – A Kids Walkout Every Friday for the Climate

    #FridaysForTheFuture – A Kids Walkout Every Friday for the Climate

    Today 13-year-old Alexandra Villasenor walked out of her school in NYC, answering the call of fellow youth activist Greta Thunberg, and conducted her own School Strike for Climate outside the United Nations Building. People talked to her, took pictures, encouraged her – until the NYPD removed her from the property. Undeterred, she relocated in front of…

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  • Good Queer Decolonial Fun: The She-Ra Reboot

    Good Queer Decolonial Fun: The She-Ra Reboot

    Just like the old show, the new She-Ra is all about coalition-building towards decolonization, but it incorporates a lot of what folks have learned about organizing and hegemonic power over the last 25 years—even if its gloss is superficial, there’s definitely enough material in each episode to use as fodder in a “talking to your…

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  • Direct Action: What to Do When Marching Isn’t Enough to Stop Injustice

    Direct Action: What to Do When Marching Isn’t Enough to Stop Injustice

    The Internet is a buzz right now with talks of marching, should Rosenstein be fired by the Trump administration. I see two narratives around this: “we have to march!” and “marching isn’t enough—we need violent revolt!” The truth is that marching is merely symbolic. Marching doesn’t force anything, it is merely a show of force.…

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  • List of Human Rights Abuses at American Concentration Camps… Er, Detainment Centers

    List of Human Rights Abuses at American Concentration Camps… Er, Detainment Centers

    Editorial note: every time we tried to publish this list, new articles would be brought to our attention and the list just got longer and longer. So you can think of these as examples from the past month or so, because I needed to put a cap on it to finally publish this post. Examples…

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  • Are the American Immigrant Detainment Centers Concentration Camps?

    Are the American Immigrant Detainment Centers Concentration Camps?

     What Is a Concentration Camp? Most dictionaries define “concentration camp” as a space for separating a politically undesirable group, usually with degraded living conditions. In this sense, the terms “concentration camp,” “internment camp” and “detainment center” are interchangeable. But the term “concentration camp” is politically charged because of its association with the Holocaust. Because Nazi…

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  • What Is Vaporwave?

    What Is Vaporwave?

    Proving that culture is in everything humans touch, there’s this genre based on bland corporate music from the eighties like mall muzak, advertising jingles and computer sounds.  Vaporwave is also an art movement. It’s remix culture centered on the  bold geometric shapes, glitch art and clip art of the 1980s. It’s neon, especially pink, purple and…

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  • The Gotcha Game

    The Gotcha Game

    There’s a game radicals, progressives, and liberals like to play. We are always looking for the turncoat in our midst. Did you catch someone confusing transsexual with transgender? Five points for you. Someone ignorantly, but not sarcastically, asks “what’s wrong with the phrase All Lives Matter,” 10 points for you. Sexist blonde joke? 4 points.

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