Resisting the planet-killing banks with style and mirth


Last week, Alexandra Casio-Cortez flayed a Wells Fargo Bank executive on Capital Hill for the role his bank played in backing the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Well Fargo is one of many megabanks funding countless big oil projects, including DAPL and the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline. A 2018 report shows that Wells Fargo invested more than $4.6 billion in fossil fuels between 2015 and 2017.  Thanks to Wells Fargo funds, these projects continue to rapidly destroy the planet’s ability to bare life.

Yesterday, on Monday, March 18th, a stylish group blockaded the Wells Fargo bank in San Francisco.

Photos of these ladies, who are affiliated with Idle No More, with their matching skirts were shared on social media.

This colorful action was the culmination of a 3-day march from Palo Alto to the Wells Fargo Headquarters in San Francisco, organized by OilyWells, a group working to bring attention to Wells Fargo’s investments in planet-killing projects.  They are sharing updates under the hastag #OilyWellsFargo.

Later in the day, performance artist Larry Bogad appeared as a “spokesperson” for Wells Fargo and was met with boos as he attempted to explain to the crowd, “We can all still afford to be be climate science skeptics.”

His full speech can be seen here:


The math is clear: Wells Fargo has divested from life on earth.  It’s time to divest from them!

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Resisting the planet-killing banks with style and mirth

by Harlin/Hayley Steele time to read: 1 min